One Step Closer Animal Rescue is a smaller rescue. We focus on cats scheduled to be put to sleep in shelters. We also work hard to help the local community re-home their pets and find homes for strays.

Sometimes a stray cat will find its way to your door. Unfortunately, not everyone can open their home to a stray cat. Occasionally, O.S.C.A.R. will take in stray cats/kittens for a small fee. This fee covers a portion of vet care and spay/neuter.

In order to find the most appropriate home for this stray cat, please provide as much detail as possible.� We understand that you may not have much information about the cat/kitten, but please be truthful about what you do know. Remember that behavioral and medical issues do not necessarily create problems, but failing to disclose them certainly does!


Online Stray Cat Surrender Form

    Your Contact Info

    * Your Full Name:

    * Street Address:

    * City:

    * State:

    * Zip-Code:

    * Home Phone:

    * Cell Phone:

    * Email:

    Information About Stray Kitten/Cat:

    Cat's Name (if any):

    Cat's Age: (or best guess)

    Cat's Birthdate: (if known) (or best guess)

    Cat's Gender (if known) (or best guess)

    Has this cat been spayed/neutered?

    Surrender Reason & Cat History

    Why are you surrendering this cat/kitten?

    Why are you surrendering this stray cat/kitten?

    Where is the cat currently living? (outside, inside, and in what conditions?)

    How long has it been living in current location?

    Is the cat stray or feral(wild)?

    an the cat be handled by people?

    Please give us any other information you think we'll need to know about this cat/kitten.

    How did you hear about One Step Closer Animal Rescue?

    STRAY CAT SURRENDER: Occasionally, O.S.C.A.R. is able to take in stray cats or kittens. We request a small fee to cover veterinary costs.

    CAT: Surrender Fee: $50 KITTEN (under 6 months): Surrender Fee: $20 LITTER OF KITTENS (must all be from same mom) Surrender Fee: $50


    I certify that the information I have provided on this form is true, correct, and accurate. I understand and agree that falsification of any of the above information is grounds to disqualify this cat from consideration.'